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Book Structure

The book reads as an encyclopedia. You can open to any page and study the topic, although certain topics, especially in the math section, relate to each other.

This makes the book, in essence, a written collection of YouTube videos, rather than a typical textbook.

I. The World as the Romans Knew It

"The World As The Romans Knew It", sourced from the early 7th century collection of knowledge made by Isidore of Seville, with uses of other authors and of modern websites such as pleiades.stoa.org and Wikipedia.

II. Math Magic

Beginning by rediscovering numbers, basic algebra, geometry and graphs, we will make math magical.

There is only one rule: Release all anxiety, all tension, regarding math, or learning in general. There will be no pressure. You will not need to recapitulate, even. If you undestand well what is said, you will not easily forget it.

You don't need to take notes, and the only homework, which is not obligatory, is little problems to test you. If you wish to play with a particular subject more, you can look for exercises on the internet.

III. Holy Christmas - Holy 2024

This short section covers beautiful, magical tales of the world which can help you play, and make intentions for a great new year.